Wednesday, August 31, 2005

You may have noticed...

Blogger apparently has a system in place to increase cross traffic between the blogs they host. After each new post is submitted, I receive a spike in my hits which lasts a couple of hours. Along with this spike in hits, I receive a number of spam comments and I had to delete a number of them last night which were in poor taste. As a result, I turned on the word verification security feature provided which is supposed to eliminate automated spam software from posting comments. Please do not allow the extra step necessary to keep you from posting appropriate comments.

If you like my blog and want to let me know then please do so by e-mail. No not feign compliments in an attempt to advertise on my turf. If you want a link from my site, again, e-mail me and if I feel you represent a noble organization, I will add a link on my main page. But, rest assured, I do NOT want to be affiliated with any porn site.

If these actions continue I will take the next step and eliminate anonymous comments. This is one I do not want to take so please make your comments appropriate and in context with the subject in my article. If there is another subject you would like to discuss here, once again, e-mail me and I will take it into consideration.


Due to a couple of different recomendations, I have now switched my comments to HaloScan. I have copied previous comments into a single comment under each article because I value your comments and wanted to preserve them.


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Silent Majority

The war protestors fight hard to convince you that they are the majority but this is far from the case. This vocal minority knows how to make noise and the MSM is more than willing to amplify their voice. They rally, demonstrate, and protest then brag about their numbers but they fall far short of the majority.

Today I watched part of President George Bush’s address from Coronado, CA. In the background the USS McCampbell stood in a naval salute. The sailors stood in their dress whites along the deck in support of their Command-in-Chief. In Afghanistan and Iraq tens of thousands of servicemen and women silently awake and go to work 12 plus hours a day 7 days a week in support of the war on terrorism. Back at home, hundreds of thousands dress in uniform and silently support the war. If you want to witness a rally in support of the war on terrorism then pick any business day, get up, and sit outside the gate of your nearest military base. You will see more demonstrators drive through these gates than you will ever see in any anti-war rally.


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

One of our own...

...has an injured son. If you havn't already seen it at Black Five or any of the other sites the son of Some Soldiers Mom was injured by a VBIED. Please drop in and wish her well.


Consider the Source

This one is part debunking and part war story so I’ll just throw it out there for you to enjoy whichever way you like it.

On one occasion in Afghanistan, my team had the pleasure of providing host to the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, and I’ve got the coin to prove it. Our location was rather remote. We had a Special Forces team, a Civil Affairs team, and a Psychological Operations team literally two hours from anywhere; by plane that is, it was more like two days by road. And here we were, less than two dozen U.S. soldiers, preparing security for the SecDef.

Due to time constraints, the meeting was to take place at the local airport, more like an airfield. I cannot get into too many details but let me just say that we utilized our local Afghan defense force and had that airport secured better than Osama’s 72 virgins.

The SecDef touring through a combat zone is big news, so he had several reporters tagging along. Since the reporters were not allowed in the meeting, they wandered around the greeting area and mingled a little with the greeting party.

A short time later, somebody found one of their reports and sent it back to us. It told how the Afghan men were so unaccustomed to seeing unveiled women that one Afghan soldier asked to have his picture taken with a couple of the female reporters. He then went on to describe how we moved around the aircraft they came in on like a giant chess piece to avoid drawing mortar fire. We all had a pretty hearty laugh when we read that. Here’s what really happened.

First, the Afghan soldier was closely related through blood and/or partnership with the local governor/warlord and was pretty privileged; he just loved getting his picture taken and would pose for a camera any chance he could find. He was determined that any reporter with a camera was going to take his picture whether female or not.

Then the aircraft was another story. For convenience, the plane initially stayed close to the greeting area but C-130’s are notoriously noisy and Rummy complained that he could not hear. So, we radioed the pilot and they turned the plane in a direction that would direct the most noise away from the meeting room. This was not enough so we asked the pilot to again move the plane further away and he taxied out to the runway. Something must have kicked in and the pilot decided that the middle of the runway was not a good place to park so he moved again to the end of the runway. So, no chess moves and nobody could get close enough to reach us with mortars.

The whole reason for telling the story is to illustrate how far outside the loop the average reporter is. They observe events from the sidelines and make guesses at what is happening and then add their biases. On the other side, the one seldom reported, the military Public Affairs posts reports by the men and women who are doing the work. Are they going to put a positive spin on them? You bet they will, but whose reports are more accurate and whose reports would you rather read? Keep in mind that second hand testimony is inadmissible in court.


This is NOT a Quagmire!

I have been thinking that someone may misinterpret my articles and assume that I think we are fighting this war wrong. This is far from the case since we are winning this war. It is NOT a quagmire. Despite the biased negative reports you constantly see in media reports, the terrorist are despised by most Iraqi’s because they would rather live in a peaceful and prosperous society. Given the course we are on, and assuming that we stay the course, we will eventually win the fight. Some historical references can artfully illustrate our past successes and failures. First let me state the fact that we won the war against Iraq and it took less than four weeks.

I do not create mental lists from most favorite to least favorite but rather have groups of more appreciated and less appreciated. So, one of my most favorite movies is Empire of the Sun. Within this movie the main character James meets Basie an American who tells him that it is not the Japanese that they need to worry about but rather the transition of power.

Human history is full of examples where societies have survived under the most tyrannical of governments; they just need to learn to live by the rules. But, surviving is far different from thriving. Examples like Germany, Japan, South Korea, and even the Confederate States show how nations can prosper when we stay the course and support the new government with an occupying force. Other examples like Vietnam, China, Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Cuba are prime examples of what happens when we fight or support a war and then walk away. The examples are without exception.

Now that we have won the war in Iraq, thanks to a mastermind by name of Franks and not an archaic Shinseki, we need to win the peace by completing the transition of power. History has shown us that if we stay Iraq will prosper. The only way we could lose is if we left. The opinions I expressed are not the only way to win. I merely suggested them as a better way to fight.


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Debunking Liberals: SGT C's Determination

This is the first in a new category on my site obviously titled Debunking Liberals. As the title implies, these articles will be dedicated at illustrating the facts that the left do not want you to hear.

This one comes from Major K.
SGT C. was evacuated to the Military Hospital in the Green zone where he was pronounced the luckiest man in Iraq. The sniper's bullet had passed through his neck and throat with an absolute minimum of damage. It missed his carotid artery, jugular vein, spine, and spinal cord by millimeters. He was offered the opportunity to fly to Germany and probably then on to the US to recuperate by the medical staff. He turned it down. He wanted to get back to his men and his brothers in Charlie Company.
Just another of the many examples showing positive morale and soldier support for the war in Iraq. The MSM constantly shoves defectors and disgruntled soldiers down our tubes but why don’t we hear these stories? Is it because they are the rule and the disgruntled are the exception? After all, the media do not report the routine everyday occurrences back home, just the noteworthy and unique.


I'm Honored.

Over the past two weeks which I have be actively blogging I have received a number of requests for me to add links to various other sites. I was quite surprised to see this one:

I’m with the Public Affairs Office at Central Command in Florida. We have a webpage,, featuring up-to-date information on what the Coalition is doing in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom. Can we get a link added on your site?
All the best,
CENTCOM Public Affairs

Have any of my fellow SOCOM bloggers received a request like this one?


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Are We Streached Too Thin?

I have seen the “we’re spread too thin” argument far too often and it usually precedes an argument for or against a draft. I am personally fed up with this ongoing logical shortsightedness. If we are spread too thin in is because of gross miss-management.

The Department of Defense is required by current law to maintain troop levels significant enough to fight on two different fronts and protect our shores. It should be obvious that we have found ourselves in this worst case scenario. Our current administration has proposed some force realignments but those were vehemently opposed by the left; apparently it would negate one of their valuable arguments against the Bush administration. This can help relieve some of our deployment load but there are other alternatives that have not been discussed.

The Air Force recently announced 3 month rotations. It’s nice to see that they have enough lift capabilities to transport 100% of their deployed force every 90 days. The Army is sticking with their 6, 9, or 12 month rotations depending on the type of unit deployed. Again, it’s nice to see them sharing the pie and letting more officers get their combat ticket punched but this is still rather inefficient and creates problems. I have personally seen many officers who have refused to takes the risks necessary to take the fight to the enemy because they wanted to ensure that all their little boys came home at the end of their rotation. They apparently thought that the war could wait for the next unit.

As an avid student of history, a term common 60 years ago comes to mind, “Duration +6.” This term was used to identify someone’s length of service. Another term from another previous war, “Till it’s over.”

Now for my proposal as one who would be affected negatively. Activate the 19th and 20th Special Forces Groups in their entirety along with all reserve PsyOps and Civil Affairs groups. Deploy the 3rd, 5th, 19th, and 20th Groups as needed and leave us there “till it’s over,” or at least until things quiet down enough for a force reduction. Make SF the main effort and turn both theaters over to U.S. Special Operations Command to control. This would require far fewer conventional troops and would be much more effective. Approximately 65 years ago the Germans overran the French in a matter of days because the French believed they could fight WWII with WWI tactics; let’s not make the same mistake.


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I will go...

where nobody else seems to want to go.

I have the greatest respect and condolences for any Gold Star Member. The most memorable scenes in the movie “We Were Soldiers” were the notification scenes back at Ft. Benning. Every Gold Star member has the right to morn but 16 months is not just unhealthy, it’s selfish. So, here’s my open letter to Cindy Sheehan.


Your son, Casey, chose a life of adventure and service. I am sure he learned the value of things greater than himself. He chose to serve in the Army and he chose to serve in Iraq; his ultimate sacrifice should be honored and revered forever. Your current endeavors do not honor him. Quite to the contrary, your actions belittle everything he stood for.

First, the cause Casey believed in is a noble cause. Regardless of what your handlers have been spouting President George Bush did not lie. I challenge you or anyone to illustrate his actual lie rather than just parroting the words “Bush Lied.” I wish I could say more but let me say that there are witnesses that watched Saddam’s trucks drive into Syria. I am certain that Saddam had the ability to produce weapons of mass destruction on command.

What is well documented is the sadism that Saddam was involved in. Casey has provided a great service by helping to rid Iraq and the world of this mad man. Despite tainted reporting about all the worst about life in Iraq, life is better there than it has ever been. In Iraq they have had free elections and are working on a constitution. The people have hope and can look forward to a better future. You need to stop listening to journalists who have a political agenda and listen to great men and women like your son who believe in sacrifice and potential and not any advertised agenda.

You now demand that we withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately. This would guarantee that Casey’s death would be in vain. An immediate withdrawal would leave both countries at the mercy of terrorists and ensure two terrorists states which would export terrorism at a rate and magnitude we have never before seen.

Now for a question I have been contemplating; how did someone as selfish as you raise a son so selfless? 16 months of crying “Woe is me” is selfish and does nothing to honor or respect Casey or any of his fellow soldiers; it only makes you a hollow shell to be used by others in their quest for domination over others. I suggest you stop spreading further lies about our president, accept the conference you have already had with him, and reflect on what all this self pity has done to your family.
The free pass you received as a Gold Star Mother has expired. As big as your loss may be, your effort to dishonor your son and the rest of us in uniform is intolerable.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Did I say I hate Bureaucracy?

I have participated in Psychological Operations before but usually as the one dishing it out. That changed this past week courtesy of a managed healthcare provider. I was involved in a motorcycle accident back in June and have had a cast on my foot since. OK, I’m such a nice guy I postponed my cast removal appointment so I could attend my brother’s wedding. Since the appointment had been postponed a week already, I was eagerly counting the hours until this life sucking appendage could be removed. The psychological blow crashed into me hard when they told me my appointment had been canceled.

When I am not busy fighting the medical bureaucracy I just want to turn my brain off until my next scheduled appointment. I did just get confirmation this evening for an appointment tomorrow morning so I’m starting to come out of my coma and should have more content up for you tomorrow. Here’s a hint: Mrs. Sheehan, your free pass just expired.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

While I'm out...

I can admit it, I'm not the only one who knows how to write. Jack posted a pretty good and thoughtful article on his site here: I'll be out of contact for a day or two while I'm traveling; I will not even be able to write while traveling (more on why later). So, take this time off and see what Jack has to say.

I know most of you have probably already read it since my stats show most of you came from his site. If that's the case then thanks for dropping by and I'll be preparing more content for you soon.


Monday, August 08, 2005

Where I Stand on Iraq.

First, let me clarify my credibility on the subject. I have not yet traveled to Iraq, however, I do have family and friends that are now serving or have served in Iraq. I have completed two tours of duty in Afghanistan and anticipate a third tour in one of the two locations. As such, I am emotionally attached to all the events occurring in both theaters. I pay close attention to the news coming out of the region and, since I have been there and done that, I can usually identify the difference between good and bad reporting.

Early in the war many liberals identified a new poster boy in GEN Shinseki. This is the same general whose brilliant idea it was to defame the Ranger’s black beret by giving it to every soldier. He was elevated to revered by liberal status because he argued that our troop strengths in Iraq were too low despite the fact that GEN Franks proved him wrong by doing much more with much less. This old argument continues to surface as criticism of the Bush administration. Still today, it is not uncommon to hear some complain that we do not have enough troops in Iraq. Quite to the contrary, it is my argument that we have too many targets in Iraq and should significantly reduce our troop strength.

Our military schools do a great job of teaching officers to push units across enemy lines. The problem we have in Iraq is that there are no lines and most of the commanders are completely out of their element. What we need are fewer conventional soldiers driving around the countryside. Fallujah was a prime example supporting my argument. For a year or more Fallujah was in an Army regiments area and the Army ignored the problem, as a result we saw charred American corpses hanging from a bridge. I find it rather interesting that when the Marines took over we started seeing results. In this example an Army commander who was out of his element played a passive roll and only allowed his troops to drive around as targets.

After the Afghanistan campaign began yet before Iraq the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) was reclassified as a combat command. This change meant that now USSOCOM can command troops in battle without being subjected to conventional commanders, but still, for some reason, Special Operations continue to fight two unconventional wars while being directed by conventional commanders. This needs to change.

There is only one organization in the department of defense with a counter insurgency mission and that is the U.S. Army Special Forces. There are only three organizations with a counter terrorism mission and they are SEAL Team Six, Delta, and Special Forces. Why are the subject matter experts subordinate to commanders who do not know how to fight this type of war? I expect that we will eventually win the peace in Afghanistan and Iraq with our current strategy but at a greater price. With a Special Forces tabbed commander making the strategic decision we will be able to accomplish just as much with much fewer troops which means fewer targets and fewer lives lost.


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Site Improvements

If you have been checking in on my site over the weekend then I hope you have noticed the improvements. I have started my links section and would like to recognize a couple of other bloggers who have been very helpful in my beginnings. First GoldFalcon from the Jump Blog has been very helpful and is primarily responsible for my being here. Next, Jack Army was gracious enough to comment on my arrival to the blogosphere and has sent lots of traffic my way. Thanks guys for your support.

By way of thanks I have added links to my blogs posted by the Americas Army game project; you can view them bellow in my Archives section. If you came by way of the Jump Blog then you may have already seen them. I also submitted three additional blogs that were never posted by the army and I am working on getting them up, at least as soon as I figure out how I can host them or integrate them into my site.


Wedding Bells

It has been a rather busy weekend and due to a very unfortunate event my laptop is not very portable at the moment so this posting had to wait until the events had concluded.

Yesterday I had the privilege to witness the marriage of my youngest brother. It is hard to imagine that it has been 25 years since I first saw him; I can remember the occasion so well. I was out playing with other neighborhood kids – yes, the toy guns were out and we were playing army – when I noticed the family car had returned. Since I had already received the news of a new brother the car in the driveway was a clear sign that my mother and new brother were home from the hospital. The war games were immediately put on hold while I ran home. I held him in my arms for not much more time than it took to think, “yup, that’s a baby,” then the war games were resumed.

Now, 25 years later, I sat and watched him holding hands with a beautiful young woman across a holy alter while they were joined as husband and wife for time and all eternity, a new couple full of love for each other and hope for the future. I wish them the best that life has to offer and also all the problems and trials which will give them strength and character.


Friday, August 05, 2005

Who is Francis Marion?

Francis Marion is not my given name but the name of the United State’s first unconventional warrior. He is most remembered from a comment made by British Lieut. Col. Tarleton who said, “…as for this damned `Swamp Fox', the devil himself could not catch him." Francis Marion, or the Swamp Fox, successfully fought the British in South Carolina and was a significant contributor in their eventual defeat at Yorktown.

As a boy I read biographies. Eisenhower, Lee, Grant, Roosevelt, and Washington were my heroes. I idolized our nation’s greatest leaders and dreamed of being the next Eisenhower at least until I learned that the real leaders in the Army were the NCO’s.

Two months before my 17th birthday I approached a recruiter at my high school and told him exactly what I wanted, four months later I was attending drill with the National Guard Special Forces and three years later I was a new graduate of the Special Forces Qualification Course. Over the following two decades I spent time in Australia, Haiti, Uganda, the Congo, Zimbabwe, France, Germany, Korea, Thailand, and recently Afghanistan. For a number of years I served on active duty with the 3rd SFG and finished with a tour of duty at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. One thing I have learned over the past 20 years is that I have the best job our military has to offer and I am good at it.

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