Friday, June 08, 2007

Washington Day 4

I suppose it had to happen; today was our day of disappointment. I didn't get to the Washington Monument in time for tickets. The Library of Congress was a stop just to break up our walk in the heat but it did have a great room devoted to Bob Hope. Then, we crossed the street to the Capitol Building for another let down. I didn't know we needed tickets to tour the Capitol Building too. We were provided passes to enter the Gallery but they wanted us to trash all our drinks and lunches in order to enter; something we were not prepared to do on such a hot day especially when we had been told that the House was not in session at the time. It was much too hot to be doing much walking so we returned to the Hotel to lick our wounds and spend some time in the pool.

I even tried to catch up on some news. Apparently someone switched tapes at the cable company cause I kept turning the channel to Fox News but seemed to keep seeing E! A whole bunch of nothing about some Paris temper tantrum. O'Reilly did manage to squeeze in a Michelle Malkin interview and during Hannity and Colmes, Oliver North had a quick story about our work in the Philippines but I had to endure a couple hours of Paris fluff to see them. And, for the record, Michelle supported her points better than O'Reilly did and made Geraldo look like a moonbat in comparison.

Way to go Michelle!


Thursday, June 07, 2007

Washington Day 3

The White House was first on our list today. We exited the Metro at the Farragut West station and started walking south on 17th. Suddenly, a patrol car approached us from the front with lights and siren on. It came to a rapid stop right in front of us blocking all traffic from entering the intersection from our right; the officer exited her vehicle and began directing traffic. This gave us the opportunity to cross the street so we continued on our way. Then, about a dozen motorcycle cops came cruising up the street which confirmed my suspicion that this was some kind of high profile escort. I encouraged my family to hurry to a better position without cars parked on the curb so we could better see what was about to occur. Black sedans began appearing from around the corner, windows blacked out, but nothing worth checking in a lead car anyways. Then a Black SUV, brain registers, "primary vehicle," windows also blacked out, no chance of seeing him. Another black SUV tight on its tail, again blacked out windows; but, back passenger window down, I register man, dark cloths, sunglasses, M-4. Then, like a dream interrupted, they were gone just as quick.

I have taken part in this type of maneuver many times in the past and knew what was happening. I was still left standing in awe thinking, "Wow! Impressive!" It was quite a rush to watch it performed by those who wrote the book and lived the book daily.

I guess the rest of our day walking around the White House and at the National Zoo was boring in comparison. We did see about 4 moonbats in front of the White House but they looked like they were left-over's from the '60's. I also noticed that the Jefferson Memorial was clearly visible from the back balcony of the White House and I imagined waking every morning and having to answer to Jefferson concerning the state of his Republic.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Washington Day 2

The International Spy Museum was the first attraction that we paid money to enter. The boys said it was definitely worth it; easy for them to say because they didn't pay for the tickets. For me, there was not much new. Just about everything has been covered in some form of training or counter-espionage briefing that I have received. Still, the boys had fun running around checking out all the tricks and tools on display. I haven't yet had the heart to tell them that a real spy's most common tool is a stack of paper for report writing.

That took all morning so we returned to the hotel for lunch. After all yesterday and this morning's walking, I had a revolution on my hands so we took some time off until after dinner.

A hotel cab took us to the Lincoln Monument where the greatness of the man was well displayed. I was overwhelmed by the thought that never since has so much eloquence surfaced in a man so poorly bred.

We walked along the Potomac while the sun set and enjoyed the view. Our destination was the Jefferson Memorial, where we had been told, the sight was spectacular after dark. All the reports were right. Like Lincoln, you can't help but be impressed the by the greatness of this man. While Washington was a great example in action, Jefferson had the ability to record for posterity the greatness of his time.


Washington Day 1

We started off with the Air & Space Museum because it was within walking distance of our hotel. When we entered I was thrilled to see that Space Ship One was already on display in the entry way. 3 hours later we had seen a small fraction of the building and the boys were working hard to spend all their money on the first day and a good portion of mine. That is when one of them remarked that we would never see D.C. in a week at our current rate. I learned many years ago that you could spend a month in this town and still not see all the sights.

Next was the Archive building. Not much time so we went straight to the centerpiece. Last time I was here it was all open and we walked up the front steps to the Declaration and Constitution. Now you have to go in a side door, through security, and then upstairs to see them. I was disappointed to see the ink seems to have faded on the declaration so most of it is no longer visible under its current light. The Constitution and Bill of Rights were very legible and I took a close look to read and verify a couple of points that seem to be currently in question but more on that at a later time. The gift shop was back downstairs. Years ago I visited Philadelphia and picked up a copy of the Declaration just a few feet from where the original was signed. This time I picked up a copy of the Constitution and Bill of Rights just below where the originals were on display

By the time we made it to the Museum of Natural History we had been on our feet for too long. I have never seen boys so disinterested in dinosaurs. After dragging them through the fossil displays we made a quick pass by the Hope Diamond then back to the hotel for food and a swim.


Monday, June 04, 2007

Day 0

I spent a little extra to get the only non-stop flight into Washington-Reagan – it was worth it – 4 hours on a plane and we where there. We even got a bonus during our descent through a thunderstorm; I think we can avoid Bush Gardens on this trip.

Checked into the hotel behind the Smithsonian and enjoyed the free dinner they offered then off to the Mall. On the few occasions that I have been here before, the Washington Monument has always been closed for maintenance or repair; I think I will finally have my chance to see inside it. It was closed when we arrived but that was only because we didn't get there until after it had closed for the day. It should be open tomorrow. I touched it today. The World War II memorial was impressive! Then, the long walk to the Vietnam Memorial where we arrived after dark. I found and touched the name James L. Moreland again.

We have a few pairs of tired legs with more aspirations for tomorrow. Now if only I could get 2 boys to bed I could get some sleep



I have taken the family to Washington, D.C. for some fun and education. Just a little jet lagged right now but I'll keep you posted on our events.

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